Gutenberg: Pullquote



Has anyone ever said, ‘I wish I could go to more meetings today’?

Matt Mullenweg

Solid Color

Love is great, but not as a password.

Matt Mullenweg

Color Settings

Main Color

This Pullquote has a custom Main Color.


Text Color

This Pullquote has a custom Text Color.



This Pullquote is aligned to the left.


This Pullquote is aligned to the right.



This Pullquote has a wide width.


This Pullquote has a full width.


Weight & Style

This Pullquote is bold.

This citation is bold

This Pullquote is italicized.

This citation is italicized

This Pullquote is a link.

This citation is a link

Gutenberg: Media & Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris purus urna, vulputate at convallis hendrerit, mattis id mi. Nulla mauris justo, sodales vitae sodales nec, fermentum at elit.


Stack On Mobile

This Media & Text block will stack on mobile.

Crop image to fill entire column

This Media & Text image will display a cropped image that will fill the entire column.

Focal Point Picker

This Media & Text image will display the image with a custom focal point selected.

Horizontal Pos. 100% | Vertical Pos. 0%

Background Color

This Media & Text block has a custom background color.


This Media & Text block has a wide width.

This Media & Text block has a full width.

Media Aligment

This Media & Text block has the media aligned to the left.

This Media & Text block has the media aligned to the right.

Vertical Alignment

This Media & Text block has the contents vertically aligned to the top.

This Media & Text block has the contents vertically aligned to the middle.

This Media & Text block has the contents vertically aligned to the bottom.

Custom Color

Primary Background Colour

This Media & Text block has the primary background color.

Secondary Background Colour

This Media & Text block has the secondary background color.

Media & Text Contents


This is a h1 heading

This is a h2 heading

This is a h3 heading

This is a h4 heading

This is a h5 heading
This is a h6 heading
This heading has a custom Text Color
This heading is aligned to the left
This heading is aligned to the center
This heading is aligned to the right
This heading is bold
This heading is italicized
This heading is a link
This heading has an inline code
This heading has an inline image
This heading has a strikethrough text
This heading has an underlined text


This is a small paragraph.

This is a normal paragraph.

This is a large paragraph.

This is a huge paragraph.

This paragraph has a custom Background Color.

This paragraph has a custom Text Color.

This paragraph is aligned to the left.

This paragraph is aligned to the center.

This paragraph is aligned to the right.

This paragraph has a Drop Cap.

This paragraph is bold.

This paragraph is italicized.

This paragraph is a link.

This paragraph has an inline code.

This paragraph has an inline image.

This paragraph is justified.

This paragraph has a strikethrough text.

This paragraph has an underlined text.

Gutenberg: Cover


This is a Cover block using an image file.


This is a Cover block using a video file.


This is a Cover block using a GIF file.

Cover Settings

Fixed Background

This Cover block has a fixed background.

Focal Point Picker

This Cover block has a custom focal point.

Horizontal Pos. 100% | Vertical Pos. 0%


Overlay Color

This Cover block has a custom overlay color.

Background Opacity

This Cover block has the background opacity set to 90.


This Cover block is aligned to the left.

This Cover block is aligned to the right.

This Cover block is aligned to the center.


This Cover block has a full width.

This Cover block has a wide width.

Cover Contents


h1 aligned to the left

h1 aligned to the center

h1 aligned to the right

h2 aligned to the left

h2 aligned to the center

h2 aligned to the right

h3 aligned to the left

h3 aligned to the center

h3 aligned to the right

h4 aligned to the left

h4 aligned to the center

h4 aligned to the right

h5 aligned to the left
h5 aligned to the center
h5 aligned to the right
h6 aligned to the left
h6 aligned to the center
h6 aligned to the right
This heading has a custom Text Color
This heading is bold
This heading is italicized
This heading is a link
This heading has an inline code
This heading has an inline image
This heading has a strikethrough text
This heading has an underlined text


This is a small paragraph.

This is a normal paragraph.

This is a large paragraph.

This is a huge paragraph.

This paragraph has a custom Background Color.

This paragraph has a custom Text Color.

This paragraph is aligned to the left.

This paragraph is aligned to the center.

This paragraph is aligned to the right.

This paragraph has a Drop Cap.

This paragraph is bold.

This paragraph is italicized.

This paragraph is a link.

This paragraph has an inline code.

This paragraph has an inline image.

This paragraph is justified.

This paragraph has a strikethrough text.

This paragraph has an underlined text.

Gutenberg: Quote



This is a Quote block. It’s aligned to the side at least in the default styles. Pretty darn amazing.

This is a citation


Use the force, Luke.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Text Alignment

This quote is aligned to the left.


This large quote is aligned to the center.


This quote is aligned to the right.


Weight & Style

This large quote is bold.

This citation is bold

This quote is italicized.

This citation is italicized

This quote is a link.

This citation is a link

Gutenberg: Paragraph

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris purus urna, vulputate at convallis hendrerit, mattis id mi. Nulla mauris justo, sodales vitae sodales nec, fermentum at elit. Proin condimentum risus sed venenatis mollis. Donec auctor euismod sodales. Donec sodales congue metus, sit amet tempor odio maximus in. Ut vestibulum nisl a maximus scelerisque. Donec aliquam eleifend metus, eget iaculis ante vestibulum id. Nulla facilisi. Nullam interdum sagittis accumsan. Phasellus egestas elementum enim nec condimentum. Sed mattis purus odio. Curabitur vehicula rutrum porttitor. Phasellus tempus dui id turpis fermentum, auctor dictum mauris mollis.

Font size

This is a small paragraph.

This is a normal paragraph.

This is a large paragraph.

This is a huge paragraph.

Drop Cap

A Drop Cap is a large letter that drops below the first line of a paragraph.

Color Settings

This paragraph has a custom Background Color.

This paragraph has a custom Text Color.

Text Alignment

This paragraph is aligned to the left.

This paragraph is aligned to the center.

This paragraph is aligned to the right.

Weight & Style

This paragraph is bold.

This paragraph is italicized.

This paragraph is a link.

This paragraph has an inline code.

This paragraph has an inline image.

This paragraph is justified.

This paragraph has a strikethrough text.

This paragraph has an underlined text.